The Green Party

2952 days ago

Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop can fuck off - I don't care what you think on Brexit: will you take Rolf Harris back?

Australia's foreign minister Julie Bishop has opined that she thinks that it is in Australia's interests that Britain stays in the EU and votes no to Brexit. Meanwhile 99.9% of Britons think that it is in Britain's interest that Aussie nonce Rolf Harris is shipped back to Australia ASAP. As a convicted felon he'd be following a well worn path and frankly there's no reason why the old kiddie fiddler should be allowed to stay here. While we are at it can the Aussies take Germain Greer back as well?

What on earth 


3638 days ago

Just wear an ironed shirt!!!

Are you coming along tomorrow says the Goddess by text. Cripes thought I: to what? Not wishing to offend I said “of course”….”but won’t’ I lower the tone?” I think it is a safe bet that I will.

As an aside just remind me of the details?  The Savoy at 10 AM.

Hell’s teeth I appear to have wangled myself in invitation to a City breakfast. I would rather have wangled myself into the Millwall Supporters Club Christmas Party, the deodorant free summer meeting of the local Green Party or a long weekend in Homs.

But I do not wish to offend the Goddess.

Another text:  “Wear an Ironed Shirt!”

I somehow do not think she is referring to an ironed Viva Steyn T-Shirt which I had laid out for tomorrow’s trip to London, I think she means shirt short with a collar. The last time I wore won of those was, from memory, in early 2012. I shall see what I can do.
